Frequently internet stop working without no reason and this a big problem for any one use internet in work , education..... the fist thing you think is the problem the cable you check or modem are connected with computer or router working or not Of course these actions an intuitive and Frequently find that the problem is far from these things but the problem 80% in the system
The hard part is determining where is the problem all the professionals in area knows of course is very hard to know it manually but in this post you'll learn about a beautiful way to determine the problem and therefore easier for you to resolve it .
Chrome Connectivity Diagnostics is a simple, fast, and automated way to detect end user network connectivity issues within the…
Chrome Connectivity Diagnostics is a simple, fast, and automated way to detect end user network connectivity issues within the Chrome Browser. The tool tests for DNS and HTTP latency, DNS and HTTP captive portals as well as proper connectivity to common Google services.When you finish the examination, if your connected good you seeing the following results with the green flag:Internet connection available DNS server available Internet traffic not blocked by captive portal (DNS) Internet traffic not blocked by captive portal (HTTP) Internet traffic not blocked by firewall on port 80 Internet traffic not blocked by firewall on port 443 No delay in DNS resolution No delays in receiving responses from Google websites
When there is any defect in your connected the app shows you a red mark and details of your problem accurately so that you can easily solve.
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